Strawberry Musk Fragrance Oil 16914
Make sure you are sitting down when you smell this oil, it will make you swoon! Heady, sweet, rich, and irresistible! Even avowed "Musk Haters" love this fragrance! A great scent for men's products, it lends itself to unisex applications. Men and women alike have expressed to us just how much they love this fragrance. This oil does it all, makes great cold process soap, stinky-strong candles, non-morphing in your body product applications, and killer incense and potpourri oils. A must have scent! It also blends well with a myriad of other oils to create new scents. (Try patchouli, sandalwood, and rose!) One of our favorites around here and another oil that we simply cannot run low on "or else"! If you like something different, unlike anything you've tried before, you will love this blend.

CP Notes:
no acceleration, medium tan/brown discoloration

Flashpoint: 150°
Vanilla Content: 2.50%
Country Of Origin: United States

IFRA Maximum Skin Exposure Levels:
Soap 36.00% Body Lotion 81.50% Candle 100.00%

Wholesale Supplies Plus, Inc. certifies that this fragrance product is in compliance with the standards of the International Fragrance Association, provided the fragrance is used in the above application (s) at the noted maximum concentration level(s). The "Maximum Use Level for Skin Exposure" is the amount of fragrance, flavor and essential oil that can come in contact with the skin. It does not mean that your base product can perform at these levels. You must test each oil in each application for evaluation of desired performance. Baby products have lower use levels than those listed above. If a desired application is not listed above, please call us at 1-800-359-0944 for maximum skin levels for skin exposure.

Our fragrance calculator will give you amount of oil to be used in a formula. The base product being made will determine the method for incorporating the oil into the formula.

International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI):

Common Name Ingredient Listing (FDA Approved):

Available Sizes:
1 oz $3.48
2 oz $6.09
4 oz $10.95
8 oz $16.45
16 oz $22.95