Simple Secrets: How To Achieve The Perfect Curl In MP Soap
Author: Wholesale Supplies Plus
Thursday, February 11, 2016

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Goal: The Perfect Curl
Soap made with curls is often the source of conversation with shoppers. Potential buyers love to pick up bars of soap and try to figure out how the soap is made. Curls can be small or large. The techniques are not that different. This Perfecting the Craft article will help you with the most common problems.

Challenge: The Cracked Curl
Nothing is more frustrating than making the soap and starting the roll up only to have it crack. To fix this issue add 2 tablespoons of liquid glycerin to your melted soap. This will make the soap more pliable for curling.

Challenge: Air Bubbles
Your soap is perfect in the loaf and put to bed for curling. You unmold it and slice, only to gasp at the sight of a big air bubble in the middle of the load. It has happened to all of us, luckily it is easy to fix. When embedding large curls, do so at an angle so that the air has a chance to escape.

Challenge: It Breaks Apart
When soap breaks apart and the embeds separate it is frustrating. To fix the problem simply spray your soap curls with an abundant amount of 90% rubbing alcohol.

Challenge: Curls Melting
Melt and Pour soap naturally melts at high temperatures and since curls can be thing they are super prone to melting. To fix this problem, embed soap curls into bars when the over pour soap is 128°F or less. 

Artisan Advice: 

We asked handmade soap crafters and artisans:  How do you achieve the perfect curl in MP Soap?

"Use a planer or hand held cheese slicer to create the curled embeds. I use individual silicone molds for each soap to control movement of the curled embeds when pouring the base over and around them."
- Faith, Alaiyna B. Bath + Body

"I use a cheese slicer to get nice wide curls. Be sure to tip your mold form end to end to make sure your over-pour fills the inside of your curls and air bubbles rise to the top of your soap."
- Jackie Shaw, CutiePieSoaps on

"I don't know if i have any words of wisdom for other soapers, but I think most people who work with glycerin soap know that with just a couple of kitchen utensils that we can make so many beautiful designs with colored shreds and curls."
- Kathy, TheScentedRetreat on

"The advice that I would share to fellow soapers is to always trust in your brand. As long as you believe in your brand and your products whole heartedly, others will believe in it too! That's all it takes to stay motivated and inspired! My very simple inexpensive technique to creating my soap curls in my OMH Goat Milk Soap is using a potato peeler which i got at the dollar tree! It does the trick!"
- Jannila Cabral, LadybugKissesBBShop on

"I use a potato peeler to achieve the perfect curl embed. Just peel soap into a thin layer and curl with my fingers."
- Jessica Montoya, TheLittleSoapStore on

"I love to make beautiful handcrafted soaps. It's amazing what you can do with a vegetable peeler! Attractive soaps can be made with the most basic tools. Have fun with it! I guess that's my advice!"
- Dawn, LaBelleSoaps on